Hendry County was established in the year 1923. It took its name from Francis A. Hendry. The county is located in the Florida state of U.S. it covers 1,189.79 sq mi of area. More than 36K people with a racial makeup including White, Pacific Islander, African American, Asian, Native American, Hispanic or Latino of any race, and other races reside in this region along with 10K households and 8,137 family units. Its county seat is La Belle and Clewiston is the largest city.
Track records from Hendry County database and get clues regarding an individual's biography. Land exploration gives way important information that is useful for genealogical research and legal issues. Apart from that you can also retrieve information regarding vital statistics that includes birth and death index, marriage and divorce records. Pull up massive collection of information and generate your family tree without too much of hassles.