Lafayette County was established in the year 1853. Located in the U.S. State of Florida, the county sprawls over an area of 547.92 sq mi. It was named in the honor of the Marquis de Lafayette , the French general. More than 7K people with a mixture of White, Pacific Islander, African American, Asian, Native American, Hispanic or Latino of any race, and other races reside in this region along with 2.1K households and 1.5K family units. Mayo is the county seat and the largest seat.
Lafayette County index is an excellent repository that presents a massive collection of data and information regarding military service and employment details, land assessment records, death and obituary reports, census data, last will, ancestral Social Security Numbers, immigration and naturalization minutes, marital status and divorce decree, birth and origin history, civil court proceedings, probates and liens figures. The database of this county index plays significant role by providing great support to the aspiring genealogists and web hunters. A few clicks on the mouse simply can lead them to their desired destination.