Covering a total area of 752.79 sq mi and having a total population of over 0.1 million with an intermingling cohabitation of White, Pacific Islander, African American, Asian, Native American, Hispanic or Latino of any race, and other races with more than 55K housing units and 36K families, Martin County has its county seat in Stuart. The county was established in 1925 and was named after the John W. Martin, governor of Florida at time of creation of the county. Palm City is the largest city of the county.
Today genealogical data researchers and historical explorers use the Martin County records site as the huge data repository of detailed and genuine information regarding birth and origin history, marital status and marriage volume number, divorce decree, familial Social Security Numbers, census archive including naturalization and immigration data, adoption and adoptee details, military service history and enlistment particulars, real estate and property deeds, civil court proceedings with probates and liens, World War I & II and American civil war specifics, land allocation and registration activities, will and estate details and so on. Steps have thereby been taken to update and organize it regularly so as to satisfy your inevitable queries about the past.