Founded in the year 1921 and named after the area's residents' unified wish to come apart into a separate county, the Union County occupies an area of 249.71 sq mi approximately. Lake Butler is the most densely populated city and the county seat. A population of around 15K people with an intermingling cohabitation of White, Pacific Islander, African American, Asian, Native American, Hispanic or Latino of any race, and other races including more than 3K housing units along with 2K families inhabits this region.
Today Union County data library entails vast information on birth and origin history, death and demise including obituary news, marriage and divorce decree, ancestor's SSN, census index in addition to adoption details, World War I& II and American civil war records, military service history and enlistment particulars, probate records and civil court proceedings, land registration deeds, naturalization and immigration records and so on that depicts a vivid portrait of the lives of the predecessors and progenitors with fruitful data aspects. Varied facts and facets reclaimed from this site therefore replenish the most awaited queries of the online researchers.