With an approximate area of 615.79 sq mi, Washington County was founded in the year 1825. The county was named on behalf of George Washington and has the county seat and largest city at Chipley. Over 24.9K people with an intermingling cohabitation of White, Pacific Islander, African American, Asian, Native American, Hispanic or Latino of any race, and other races along with 7.9K households and 5.6K families occupy the place.
Washington County data site is definitely a considerable source that deals with vital information on birth and death news, ancestral Social Security Numbers and census figures, marital status and marriage volume numbers, divorce verdicts, naturalization and immigration data along with other public specifics such as adoption and adoptee details, land registration and property allocation deeds, military service records with grade and entity details, World War I&II and American civil war records, probates and liens including will , legal and guardianship documents, civil court proceedings and similar other topics. Let's start online records expedition to resolve many varied socio-economical issues now!